Social Responsibility Team

Our drivers for change

This active and engaged team is made up from colleagues from across our business.  They help us make a difference and shape what our corporate social responsibility looks like.

Seated left to right: Trish, Katie, Philippa and Claire. Standing left to right: Emma, Sabrina, Leanne and Joanna

What matters to us?

As a family business, we are keen that the team canvas colleagues to find out local projects and causes that matter to them. This, in turn, helps us develop ambitions, activities and fundraising that genuinely inspire involvement and that collective sense of making a contribution. From creating our own Stepping Stone work placement programme to growing ‘mos for Movember’, it’s our colleagues who lead the charge.

And, it’s not just about the finances, some of the most rewarding things we do are just ensuring the business allows for individuals to give their time in the working week.

Our guiding principles

Our activities and support are guided by the principals of our Social Responsibility Policy which focuses on the wellbeing of our people, our community involvement and charitable support, our environmental commitment and our role as good corporate citizens.

“I was delighted to be invited onto the team as I am a great believer in the importance of giving back and being a genuine part of the community here.”

Leanne McBeth, PA to Head of Development, Morris Property and Social Responsibility Group member