
With our Environmental Policy we strive for continued improvement, committed to doing business as responsibly as we can.

We have developed an Environmental Management System to ensure we abide by all relevant legislation, lessen the environmental impact of our works and promote awareness within the company, our employees and supply chain.

Taking part to deliver change

We are part of the Shropshire Climate Action Partnership, the local group aiming for a more carbon neutral region by 2030. Importantly Morris and Company now has a decarbonisation strategy and plan assisting us on our journey towards Net Zero.

Going electric

We have switched to hybrid and electric vehicles with a mission for the corporate fleet to be fully electric by 2025.

We provide free electric charging points for our staff and at all our holiday rental properties at Marrington to help reduce car emissions.

Recycling to save

We have a robust recycling policy which this year sees our recycled paper alone helping save 58,141 kg of wood, 615,178 litres of water, 126,690 KwH of energy and reducing CO2 by 3,377.

Our ecological approach

We are pioneering a new ecological approach to meet the proposed new government legislation for all developments in the UK.

We work with suppliers and third parties to offset our carbon impact, minimise the use of non-renewable materials and provide regular environmental training to ensure we meet our targets.